LoG In  _  ReGiSTeR

The Order

For registered user, orders are visible in their accounts
They have differents status, new, paid, processing, sent and delivered
For those who don't want to create account, order status is specified by email
The price are in euros (€) the delivery cost is directly estimated in cart
There is europe, near europe, and world delivery prices
The final price of delivery is estimated after checkout
and are only different for near-europe than price estimated in cart

The Payment

Payments works with skrill (http://www.skril.com)
Visa, Masterdard, and Debit Card card accepted
However, if you don't have credit card or don't succeed with
bank wire may be accepted
ask us on support@way-of-life.fr
and specify your order number
refund are made on payment card or bank wire

The Delivery

All deliveries are international insured
it may take 2 to 10 days for delivery after sending
the prices varies depending on destination and weight
products are sending from the depending land
due to incredible delivery cost,
order may be delivered in several packages
and order weight is limited to 7 kg (246 oz)
made another order if you want more

The Products

We show how the product are availables
and if there is another same product in other brand.
Due to our zero-stock system, if one of them is not found
customers can choose what to do here.
You can choose a replacement product,
if the replacement product is less expensive than product wanted
the number of item of replacement vary.
if the replacement product is most expensive than product wanted
the price of your order does not vary
the difference is supported by way-of-life.fr.
you can choose to replace with same category
you can choose to refund the price of the products
you can choose to cancel the order and refund the total price

The Category

We mean in category every same product
With the same caracteristic
it can not be different but equal in other brand

The Warranty

All delivery are international insured
To adequate with stores buying,
we have deploy a specific exception gestion
All stock exception costs are supported by way-of-life
May be you have a gift, like a game
We do our best to offer an high quality service
remarks and complaints can be ask to support@way-of-life.fr
Way Of Life Team

© Creative iNFiNiTY - 2025