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                         French Shop Products

                        You will find in our shop the quotidian food of french people
                        the food of french stores

The French Food

You can find in our store the most delicious food for breakfast or snack
a mixture of milk or soy milk with cereal and nuts
for the cereal the wheat germ of sept fons monk
The baby food Bledine complement or substitute the weat germ

A chocolate like ToNiMaLT for taste
And nuts like peanuts and hazelnuts
note that it is a rich breakfast nuts and germ contains nutrients
which are essential but we should not eat too much
not a lot every day for exemple
Here you had a perfect french delicious food the nut breakfast and the must of the wheat

Another french speciality the nougat, it can enter the previous preparation
a delicious french candy made with milk, egg, honey and almonds

The Coffee, the chocolate, the pastas, honey and candys
All food wich can be delivered

If you search for a typical product you don't find in left menu you can ask product@way-of-life.fr to claim it
For people who are waiting for meat or alcohol,
we remember that it is service may teeching of way of life, not of way of die....
for the land france, no blood, no wine, according to french intelligence...

Way Of Life Team

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